
Sifu Lit Leung Yiu (Leo Lit) | 列良耀師傅

Sifu Lit Leung Yiu (Leo Lit) became a student of Wing Chun first in 1978; and subsequently in 1989, he came under the tutelage of grandmaster Chu Shong Tin (1933-2014), a senior disciple of grandmaster Ip Man. Under grandmaster Chu’s guidance, he gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of Wing Chun’s unique approach to develop a balanced body capable of relaxed and powerful movement.

Sifu Lit is a certified Senior Instructor of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association (VTAA).  He opened up his Wing Chun school in Richmond/Vancouver in 1997, then known as “Ving Tsun Martial Arts Studio”, and had been teaching over 25 years up until his retirement in 2024. The school has since been operating as “Lit Wing Chun Martial Arts Studio”

列良耀師傅(Leo Lit)於1978年開始學習詠春拳術;隨後在1989年,他正式拜師於徐尚田宗師 (1933-2014) 門下,徐尚田師傅是葉問宗師的首屆弟子之一。在徐尚田宗師的指導下,他更深入地理解和欣賞詠春獨特的拳法理念,以完全不用肌肉而產生強大力量。其後,列師傅獲得香港詠春體育會認可成為首屆的詠春高級教練。移遷加國後,列師傅於1997年在列治文及溫哥華開設了「詠春武術學院」直至他於2024年退休前已教授超過25年。

Sifu Julio Liang | 梁梓能師傅

Sifu Julio Liang first met Sifu Lit in 2004 at his Wing Chun martial arts studio, tucked away at the back of a gift shop in Vancouver’s Chinatown. His encounter with Sifu Lit’s Wing Chun had such a deep impression upon him that he devoted the next 20 years to training and understanding the intricacies of this tradition. As one of Sifu Lit’s most senior students, Sifu Julio is passionate about passing on his Wing Chun knowledge and experience. He has taught children’s classes at Lit Wing Chun since 2017. Outside of the martial arts, Sifu Julio enjoys freestyle and hip hop dancing. 

梁梓能師傅於2004年在唐人街一家禮品店後方的詠春拳館與列良耀師傅結緣。當時他對列師傅的詠春功夫印象深刻,並立即拜師學藝,至今已奉獻廿年時間於訓練和理解詠春拳術的微妙之處。作為列師傅最資深的學生之一,梁梓能師傅亦熱衷投身工作傳授他的詠春知識及經驗給新一代的 弟子。自2017年以來,他在列氏詠春武館教授兒童班。除武術興趣之外,梁梓能師傅還喜歡自由舞和嘻哈舞蹈。

Sifu Julio’s class times:

Monday: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Wednesday: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Saturday: 11:00am – 12:30pm

Wednesday: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Sifu Matt Lau | 劉柏康師傅

Sifu Matt Lau began his Wing Chun journey in 2004 with his first lesson at Sifu Lit’s Wing Chun school. He immediately recognised the intensity of Wing Chun when he attempted to stop a straight line punch from Sifu Lit. Sifu Matt moved to Hong Kong in 2013 to further his training with grandmaster Chu Shong Tin and other Wing Chun elders. After a decade living abroad, he has returned to Vancouver to share his deep passion and understanding of Wing Chun with the community he was brought up in.


Sifu Matt’s class times:

Tuesday: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Thursday: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Sunday: 11:00am – 12:30pm

Tuesday: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Thursday: 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Sifu Chung Liu | 劉聰師傅

Sifu Chung Liu began training with Sifu Lit in 2005.  He was immediately captivated by Wing Chun’s unique power generation when Sifu Lit sent him flying across the room with a straight line punch.  After completing his education in anthropology and several years of working with Amazonian community-based conservation efforts, Sifu Chung returned to Vancouver in 2016 to teach and manage children’s classes at Lit Wing Chun.


Sifu Chung’s class times:

Friday: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Saturday: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Sunday: 4:00pm – 6:00pm